Diary & Routine
Opening times
Term time only
Monday - Friday
9am - 3pm
Term dates
Academic year: 2024/25
Term 1
Start: Monday 2nd September 24’
End: Wednesday 23rd Oct 24’
Term 2
Start: Monday 4th Nov 24’
End: Thursday 19th Dec 24’
Term 3
Start: Monday 6th Jan 25’
End: Friday 14th Feb 25’
Term 4
Start: Monday 24th Feb 25’
End: Friday 4th Apr 25’
Term 5
Start: Tuesday 22nd Apr 25’
End: Friday 23rd May 25’
Term 6
Start: Monday 2nd Jun 25’
End: Friday 18th July 25’
Daily routine
Arrival time
8:50 - 9:00
Parents can drop off their children at their own convenience between.
Settling in
9:00 - 9:30
Children have access to toys and activities on arrival, to encourage settling in.
Gather time
Children and staff come together to talk about the day ahead and share ideas and possibilities.
Free play
9:40 - 11:30
Children can independently access toys and activities for an extended period of time. Research has proven that children are more engaged and motivated to learn when using their own experiences and interests to lead their play.
Snack time
10:00 - 10:45
Children have free access to a fresh and healthy snacks during this time. This enables them to make their own decisions, avoiding disruption of play.
Storytelling rhyme time
11:30 - 12:00
Children are encouraged to help tidy up. This is followed by either a story or songs and nursery rhymes on the carpet.
Lunch time
12:00 - 13:00
Children and staff sit together to eat lunch. Children can bring a packed lunch or alternatively order a cooked meal from Lataca Catering (providers of Nursteed School lunches).
Free play
13:00 - 14:30
Free play commences with an option of an afternoon snack.
Storytelling rhyme time
Children are encouraged to help tidy up. This is followed by either a story or songs and nursery rhymes on the carpet.
Home time
If you have any questions about Term dates or our daily routine please don’t hesitate to contact us.