


Little Bears Pre-school has several policies to enable the children to have fair access to pre-school and, when there, to play and learn in a safe environment. Summaries of these policies are listed and a copy of the full policies document is available here for reading if required. There are also written procedures to be followed in the unlikely event of;

a) a child not being collected from pre-school

b) a child being lost.


Admissions Policy

Our admissions policy covers the waiting list, which is kept in order of application. Once eligible to attend pre-school, children are usually offered two sessions a week. A child will be eligible to attend pre-school at the beginning of the term during which the child becomes three.


Special Needs Policy

Children with special needs are welcomed to pre-school after consultation between parents and the play leader. If it is felt that a child’s needs cannot be met in pre-school without the support of a one-to-one worker, funding will be sought to employ one. We work in liaison with Health Visitors, Devizes Opportunity Centre and any outside staff necessary. We aim to have regard to the DFES Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Needs.


Health and Safety Policy

All pre-school staff take care to keep pre-school safe, clean and reasonably tidy throughout each session. The adult to child ratio is at least 1:8 for 3 years and 1:4 for 2 years. In case of any accident at pre-school we have trained first aiders and in order to prevent the spread of illness, any children suffering from sickness, diarrhoea or any infectious or contagious diseases must be excluded. Any cases of these are posted on the notice board to alert parents to the risk.

 When possible we like the children to play outdoors. Before this occurs, the cleanliness of the area is checked and the area made safe. Any trips to the local shops and park are kept within the ratio 1:2.

As part of the requirements for registration Fire drills are carried out regularly.


Behaviour Management Policy

Whilst at pre-school we have various expectations concerning the behaviour of the children. We aim to encourage good behaviour, to provide a framework for staff and children in order to achieve consistency in playgroup practice and expectations and to provide guidelines for behaviour that foster good relationships between staff and children. We aim for co-operation rather than conflict.


Equal Opportunities Policy

Children have a right to grow up and learn in an environment free from prejudice and without discrimination. Our equal opportunities policy aims to achieve this through promoting a ‘feel good’ factor for each child, making the child feel at home in the group, creating a positive learning environment which envelops all sexes, abilities, races and cultures and taking action when discriminatory or offensive remarks are heard. We also like to extend these aims to the parents as well as the under-fives so they can find support within playgroup to overcome any feelings of isolation and feel part of a local community.


Confidentiality Policy

To ensure that all those using and working in the pre-school can do so with confidence, confidentiality is respected in all areas.


Complaints Procedure

Should a parent or carer feel uneasy about any aspect of the group’s provision they should firstly talk over any worries or concerns with the play leader or chairperson. In the rare case that this does not produce a satisfactory outcome our complaints procedure outlines the appropriate course of action. We do of course welcome any suggestions on how to improve pre-school at any time. All discussions will be kept confidential, as will any concerning any information received about anyone using and working in pre-school.

 In the unusual event of parents having queries about the pre-school which they feel unable to share with the play leader or chairperson Ofsted can be contacted. Please find more information on the back page.


Child Protection

We are required to follow child protection procedures agreed through the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board in Wiltshire. We will try at all times to share with you any concerns we may have, but we do have a statutory duty to contact Social Services if we suspect that child abuse is taking place.

Child protection leaflet for parents



If you have any questions about Little Bears Policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.